Privacy Notice

Your personal information is very important to us, so we will ensure the security and privacy of your personal data in the course of our business activities.

When you provide us with your Personal Data (hereinafter, DATA) we understand that you know and accept the conditions established for the treatment of your DATA in accordance with this Privacy Notice (hereinafter, THE NOTICE) in which we inform you, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (hereinafter, THE LAW) and its Regulations (hereinafter, THE REGULATION), on how and for what purposes we treat your personal information, for which we recommend carefully read this NOTICE carefully.

In adherence to the provisions of THE LAW and its REGULATIONS, we inform you of the following considerations:

  1. RESPONSIBLE. The owner responsible for the processing of your personal data is ARF MEDICAL S.A. de C.V. (hereafter ARF MEDICAL), who is domiciled at Prolongación Dr. Cantú, 2600, colonia Los Doctores, c.p. 64710, in the municipality of Monterrey, Nuevo León, and whom you can contact at any time via email:
  1. PURPOSE. The Data requested from you is processed in order to fulfill the following purposes (hereinafter, the PURPOSES): i) to verify your identity and contact information; ii) for the individualization of the commercial relationship to be generated between the owner and the person in charge and specify the general conditions accepted between the parties; iii) for the preparation of a file that allows the traceability of the products sold; iv) provide, maintain and improve our services, including, for example, facilitating payments, collections, sending receipts and/or invoices, providing products and services (and sending related information), developing new functions and improvements to our processes, providing customer service, developing security features, identity verification of our customers and sending product updates and administrative messages; v) To adequately provide the services and offer the products that ARF MEDICAL offers; vi) conduct internal operations, including, for example, preventing fraud and abuse of our value offering; vii) to be used for commercial and promotional purposes; viii) for the sending of commercial and advertising information, including shipments by email or other similar electronic, printed or other means of communication that may be developed; ix) for different purposes that are compatible or analogous to those established in said notice, without requiring the consent of the owner to be obtained again.

Your DATA may be kept for the time considered necessary to fulfill the obligations of the person in charge with legal provisions such as fiscal, commercial or any other type that correspond.

III. DATA OBTAINED. We collect your personal data directly or indirectly when you request information, quotes or services; as well as through our website, email, telephone, personally or through instant messaging.

Los datos que obtenemos por este medio pueden ser: i) Datos de identificación; ii) Datos de contacto; iii) Datos patrimoniales o financieros;  iv) Datos de registro en el hospital; v) datos de la aseguradora (siniestro, fecha, etc…); vi)Datos generales del procedimiento y del lugar de realización; y cualquier otro dato relevante para la planeación, desarrollo, cotización, y desarrollo de las actividades de ARF MEDICAL.

Sensitive Personal Data.- Likewise, we inform you that in order to comply with the purposes described in this Privacy Notice and in addition to those previously mentioned, the following sensitive personal data will be processed, which requires special protection: personal data referring to your present and future state of health, ailments, personal and/or pathological history of diseases, procedures to be performed.

We inform you that the processing of said data is necessary to fulfill the obligations derived from the legal relationship between you and ARF MEDICAL and/or the products and services offered by it, for which your consent is excepted in terms of article 10 section IV of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

  1. DATA PROTECTION. ARF MEDICAL declares that it is its objective to provide sufficient protection of the Personal Data of its clients or users, therefore, administrative, technical and physical security measures will be carried out, to avoid its loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or improper disclosure.
  1. ARCH RIGHTS. At any time, the owner of the personal data may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter, ARCO RIGHTS) and revoke their consent for the processing of their DATA by submitting a request at Prolongación Dr. Cantú, 2600, Colonia Los Doctores, c.p. 64710, in the municipality of Monterrey, Nuevo León, and whom you can contact at any time via email:


You must submit an application that must contain at least: (a) your full name; (b) indicate whether the request is submitted personally or through your representative (for which, if applicable, you must present a broad and sufficient power of attorney for the exercise of the action), (c) your address, (d) your telephone number; (e) indicate whether you accept that the notifications we make in relation to your request take effect through the email you provide us; (f) the clear and precise description of the DATA with respect to which you request to exercise any of the ARCO rights, (g) where appropriate, your express statement to revoke consent to the processing of your DATA; (h) any other element that facilitates the location of your DATA (date on which the Data was provided to us, identification number of the event held, person who assisted you, areas involved) and (i) the documents that prove your identity and/or or personality or that of its legal representative.

When submitting electronic requests for ARCO rights or if you reside outside the metropolitan area of ​​the city of Monterrey, N.L., Mexico, you may submit the request electronically by attaching a digitized copy of your official identification and/or power of attorney, as well as the request described above. and wait for news about the procedure.

In the case of rectification requests, you must attach the documents that prove the request and the specific DATA that you wish to modify. These documents must be submitted in original and copy for comparison.

The rest of the procedure will be processed in accordance with the terms and stages established in the LAW.

If the owner of the data wishes to unsubscribe from our marketing campaigns in which we send information about our products or services, or wishes to choose to limit the use, transfer or disclosure of their DATA you can send us your request to the email address:

  1. CONSENT. When applicable, if you do not express your opposition for your DATA to be processed in the terms indicated in this NOTICE, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so.

The information you provide must be true and complete. Therefore, the veracity of the data provided is under your responsibility and in no case will the Responsible be responsible in this regard.

Asimismo, le informamos que sus datos personales podrán ser transferidos a terceros y podrán ser compartidos a encargados para su tratamiento dentro y fuera del país, por personas distintas al Responsable, quien girará las instrucciones para su tratamiento. En ese sentido, su información puede ser transferida o compartida con (i) Diversos profesionales, técnicos y auxiliares, así como otros entes privados por cuestión de servicios subrogados en relación con la atención del cliente; (iii) Socios comerciales del Responsable, con la finalidad de que estos administren y operen servicios complementarios a los del Responsable; (iv) Sociedades o terceros que operen en forma conjunta con el Responsable algún producto, para la realización de operaciones o servicios; (v) Terceros prestadores de servicios o vendedores de productos necesarios para la operación de la responsable, así como comisionistas que realicen operaciones o brinden servicios a la responsable que esta pueda realizar de acuerdo con la legislación vigente y sus estatutos sociales, (vi) con el Hospital donde se realicen los procedimientos; (vii) con la Aseguradora que  cubra el gasto; y (viii) Todas aquellas dependencias gubernamentales y/o judiciales que por ministerio de ley soliciten y/o requieran de la responsable datos personales de sus clientes y/o familiares, necesarias para el cumplimiento de diversas legislaciones.

If you do not express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent for it. In any case, all handling of personal data will be carried out in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the “Law”) and its Regulations.


VII. COOKIES AND WEB BEACONS. We inform you that on our website we do not use cookies or web beacons to obtain personal information.

VIII. COMPLAINTS AND DENUNCIATIONS. If the owner of the rights could come to consider that his right to protection of personal data has been injured at any time by any conduct of our manager or employees; or come to presume that in the processing of your DATA there is a violation of the provisions set forth in THE LAW, you may file the corresponding complaint or denunciation before the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), to For more information visit the page

  1. NOTICE UPDATE. ARF MEDICAL reserves the right to modify or supplement this Privacy Notice at any time, which will be published on our Website (
  1. CONTACT US. If you have questions about this NOTICE, the handling of your DATA or information about our products, services, please contact our Personal Data Protection Officer at the email:
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